Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vintage Aprons

Last spring when we were first asked to do a segment on Connecticut Style, Patti and I thought of bringing back a time when life was slower paced and food was home cooked (not packaged in a cardboard box ready for the microwave). We wanted to hear stories and memories of yesteryear and the food that brought families together. We still would love to hear those stories and hope through this blog, more stories and recipes will be shared.

I have been known to go a bit over the top when I get "into" something. I research it and want to be true and accurate. It can be a little annoying to some. Sorry. This was my approach a few months ago when Patti and I started Meals~Memories and Messages. I started searching out at tag sales, thrift shops and eBay, items and cookbooks that were from eras gone by. I love reading the pamphlets that came with refrigerators and other appliances and I will share them with you in the days ahead. Some of them are true gems.

The other item I started collecting was vintage aprons. How glorious it feels to wear one and bake a pie. I had rarely worn one in the past while cooking, instead ruining a fair amount of clothes over the years with stains and even burns. But now I have seen the light.

I have hostess aprons (not REALLY meant for serious cooking) and aprons that wrap all around by body and even have pockets. I have a few workhorse aprons that I know were tenderly used by a women I will never know to make delicious meals. They are hand-sewn and smell like Crisco and all things wonderful even after some washings.

This beauty above was given to me recently by my daughter for my 50th birthday.

I love these aprons and will share more of them in future posts. Do you have a favorite apron? Share it with me here.


Betsy Brown said...

Hey Miss Lassie - Cool apron and hats off to your daughter for finding such a special gift for you.

I never wore an apron. I don't recall my mother ever wearing an apron - except for her special Christmas apron that she took great care not to spill anything on - LOL.

Now my mother-in-law and her mother always wore the vest type aprons with patch pockets. One of the best gifts Jane ever gave to me was that apron. It's the only apron I own. It's got 30 years of loving use, with extra heavy duty workouts when I really cook during the holidays.

Said apron has been on holiday since our move to Hawaii, but it will be called back into duty here soon. We don't have a washer or dryer in the RV, so I will have to take more care not to be the cooking slob I usually am. When I cook, I cook with gusto, and my clothes usually show it.

Keep up with the blogging. I look forward to having more memories from the 50s and 60s jiggled loose with laughter!

Lassie Sullivan said...

Thanks Besty...would love a photo of you in that apron when you get settled once again. I cook with gusto too. I drive Scott crazy by making larges messes...but God bless him he stands behind me and cleans up after me...and when he is not around to do that, I clean up for him. True love!!